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Stellar Cresco Inc.
이것은 Stellar Cresco Inc의 초점이며 공통 분모를 찾는 것입니다.
We have a tendency to lay blame wherever we can find an obvious place to lay it. We are blaming effects from seemingly abnormal weather patterns, elevated atmospheric carbon levels, and melting polar ice caps on 4 main areas:
1/ effects from industry
2/ burning of fossil fuels
3/ methane levels from livestock
4/ personal economic choices
But are those choices we target even valid individually? Yes we need to act fast, but those areas of blame are only symptoms of a problem we are not fully aware of just yet!
Stellar Cresco Inc is made up of a collection of everyday people who have an interest in the environment and are concerned what is going to happen in the not too distant future with our utilities. But we also have interest in our jobs and the effect that industry, municipalities, and climate change have on our job security.
There was a time when the world was over abundant in resources and opportunities. Today those resources, through not being aware of the consequences are suffering our neglect and we are starting to reap the effects of that neglect personally. This is not the way things need to be, nor is it expected that we should sit around waiting for someone else to repair the damage already done. The work to be undertaken is staggering, but we should already be aware of the consequences if we continue to ignore it.
Stellar Cresco Inc is pioneering a new way of life to help keep jobs, insure our continued lifestyles, and working with industry as well as the environment, not against them. You can help too by being the one small piece in the greater puzzle to reverse the damages and help to stabilize our teetering world.
This world appears unsure where it is going and nations are unable to meet the demands of their peoples basic needs. A united force with a clear direction has power, so join us in this new way of industry, and thinking. The solution is within our grasp but we need to stop focusing on the symptoms and start addressing the main problem. Repairing the "symptoms" is a dangerous position to take, as it only changes how the initial problem will morph into something greater due to our ignorance to the main problem. Sign up now.